Check out some highlights of my past projects but also my recent work!
'No Show' at Edinburgh Fringe Festival
28 march-14 april//23 july-28 august 2017// Edinburgh//Scottland
Under direction of Ellie Dubois I joint a fierce all-female cast to make a show about failure and womanhood in the circus field.
We had sold-out shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and a pile of great reviews!
'Boot'//Yachtbau Bavaria
21 January 2017//Düsseldorf//Messe
I am very happy to be performing for the company Yachtbau Bavaria for the second time! This time in the Cyr Wheel.
'De Odyssee'
22 - 30 September 2016//Lonneke van Leth Producties//Rabotheater Hengelo
The classic story by Homeurus in a spectacular dance show with orchestra, choire and a massive dance ensemble.
Very happy to be part of this production by Lonneke van Leth together with Linda Schumm in the tissue as enchanting sirens!
Additional informations and tickets via
'Leuchtende Nächte'
10 September 2016//Flugplatz Merzbrück//Aachen / / / / / / / / 17 September 2016//Flugplatz Schwarze Heide//Hünxe / / / / / 1 October 2016//Flugplatz Speyer//Ludwigshafen
A spectacular event with lasershows, fireworks, pyrotechnic and different showacts, including my Cyr Wheel act.
'Boot'//Yachtbau Bavaria
23 January 2016//Düsseldorf//Messe
I will perform my rope act at the boat fair for the company Yachtbau Bavaria.
'Tension Trail'//Collective Penguin Productions
8 November 2015//Maastheater Rotterdam /// / / / / / / / / / / 27 November 2015//Jonge Harten Festival Groningen
The fear of failure prevent us from trying.
The fear of the unknown prevent us from initiating adventures.
The fear of being judged prevent us from demonstrating what we believe is important.
The fear of losing what we own pushes us to over protect things.
Let's face it together.
Temporary I will support the Penguins in this both emotional and exciting show (among other) on the rope.
'The Day After' Holland Opera
18 June-11July 2015// Holland Opera// Fort Rijnauwen//Bunnik, The Netherlands
Based on the mythology around Phaëton and Phoebus the sungod. It brings together topsinger, dancer, circusperformer and a 14-head-orchestra.
Directed by Joke Hoolboom, composed by Jonathan Dove in a collaboration with TENT circustheater and JongNBE.